# Examples of C# syntax supported by gsharpc

# C# contract example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using static UVMCoreLib.UVMCoreFuncs;
using UVMCoreLib;

namespace DemoContract1
public class Storage
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public string Country; // field test
    public bool IsMale { get; set; }
    public UVMArray<string> ArrayDemo { get; set; }

public class MyEventEmitteer : IUVMEventEmitter
    public static void EmitHello(string eventArg)
    Console.WriteLine("event Hello emited, arg is " + eventArg);
    public static void EmitHello2(string eventArg)
    Console.WriteLine("event Hello2 emited, arg is " + eventArg);

public class MyContract : UVMContract<Storage>
    public MyContract() : base(new Storage())
    public override void init()
    print("contract initing");
    this.storage.Age = 100;
    this.storage.Country = "China";
    this.storage.Name = "C#";
    this.storage.IsMale = true;
    this.storage.ArrayDemo = UVMArray<string>.Create();
    print("this is contract init api");
    public string GetAge(string arg)
    print("this is contract getAge api");
    return "" + this.storage.Age;
    public string OfflineGetAge(string arg)
    print("this is contract OfflineGetAge api");
    print("age is " + this.storage.Age);
    return "" + this.storage.Age;
    public void TestHello(string arg)
    print("this is contract hello api with argument " + arg);

public class ExampleLibClass
    public MyContract Main()
    print("start of demo C# contract");              
    var contract = new MyContract();       
    print("end main");
    return contract;


##Example of calling debug contract in C#

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace GsharpDemo1
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    var contractEntry = new ExampleLibClass();
    var contract = contractEntry.Main();
    contract.storage = new Storage();
    contract.storage.Age = 25;
    contract.storage.Name = "gsharpc";
    contract.storage.IsMale = true;
    contract.storage.Country = "China";

##More syntax examples in C#

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static UVMCoreLib.UVMCoreFuncs;
using UVMCoreLib;

namespace Demo1
public class Storage
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public string Country; // field test
    public bool IsMale { get; set; }

public class HelloContract
    public void SayHello(string arg)
        print("hello, this is hello contract api SayHello with arg " + tostring(arg));

public class MyEventEmitteer : IUVMEventEmitter
    public static void EmitHello(string eventArg)
        Console.WriteLine("event Hello emited, arg is " + eventArg);
    public static void EmitHello2(string eventArg)
        Console.WriteLine("event Hello2 emited, arg is " + eventArg);

public class MyContract : UVMContract<Storage>
    public MyContract() : base(new Storage())
    public override void init()
        print("contract initing");
        this.storage.Age = 100;
        this.storage.Country = "China";
        this.storage.Name = "C#";   
        print("this is contract init api end");
    public string GetAge(string arg)
        print("this is contract getAge api");
        return "" + this.storage.Age;
    public string OfflineGetAge(string arg)
        print("this is contract OfflineGetAge api");
        print("age is " + this.storage.Age);
        return "" + this.storage.Age;
    public void TestHello(string arg)
       print("this is contract hello api with argument " + arg);

public class ExampleLibClass
    public int SayHi()
        var a = 5;
        var b = 100;
        var sum = 3;       

        if (b > 50)
            Console.WriteLine("hello, this is if condition=true branch");
        else if (b > 25)
            Console.WriteLine("hello, this is if elseif condition branch");
            Console.WriteLine("hello, this is if condition=else branch");
        var d = "a " + sum;
        Console.WriteLine("hello world");
        Console.WriteLine("sum is " + 123);
        Console.WriteLine("sum is " + d);
        Console.WriteLine(a + b);

        print("" + 123);

        return a + b + 1234;

    public void TestIf()
        Console.WriteLine("this is test if function");
        var b = 30;
        if (b > 50)
            Console.WriteLine("hello, this is if condition=true branch");
        else if (b > 25)
            Console.WriteLine("hello, this is if elseif condition branch");
            Console.WriteLine("hello, this is if condition=else branch");

        public void TestFor()
        int sum = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            sum += i;
            Console.WriteLine("for loop in");
        Console.WriteLine("test for sum is " + sum); // sum=45

    public void TestWhile()
        int sum = 0;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < 10)
            sum += i;
            Console.WriteLine("while loop in");
        Console.WriteLine("test while loop sum is " + sum); // sum=45

        public void TestCompare()
        var a = 5;
        Console.WriteLine("5==5 is " + ((a == 5) ? "true" : "false"));
        Console.WriteLine("4<5 is " + ((4 < a) ? "true" : "false"));

        if (a == 5)

    public void TestContinue()
        Console.WriteLine("test continue case");
        int sum = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            if (i == 5)
            Console.WriteLine("continue when i=" + i);
            sum += i;
            Console.WriteLine("for loop in");
        Console.WriteLine("test for sum with continue is " + sum); // sum=40

    public void TestBreak()
        Console.WriteLine("test break case");
        int sum = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
            if (i == 5)
            Console.WriteLine("break when i=" + i);
            sum += i;
            Console.WriteLine("for loop in");
        Console.WriteLine("test for sum with break is " + sum); // sum = 10

        public int TestFuncArg(int a, int b, String name, bool c)
        Console.WriteLine("name=" + name); // name=C#
        Console.WriteLine("c=" + c); // c=true  
        Console.WriteLine("hi " + c); // hi true
        Console.WriteLine("args a + b = " + (a + b)); // a+b=11 when a = 5, b = 6
        a = 10;
        b = 20;
        return a + b; // should be 30

        public void TestMultiConcat()
        int a = 1;
        // 不支持超过2个字符串的字符串连接,因为.net数组是0-based,uvm数组是1-based
        // Console.WriteLine("TestMultiConcat " + a + " and " + a);

    public void TestArithmeticOperators()
        var a = 8;
        var b = 3;
        var c = a - b;
        Console.WriteLine("8-3=" + c); // 8-3=5
        Console.WriteLine("8*3=" + (a * b)); // 8*3=24
        Console.WriteLine("8/3=" + (a / b)); // 8/3=2, 整数除法
        Console.WriteLine("8 div 3=" + div(a, b)); // 8 div 3=2.666, 浮点除法
        Console.WriteLine("8 idiv 3=" + idiv(a, b)); // 8 idiv 3=2 整数除法
        Console.WriteLine("7%3=" + (7 % b)); // 7%3=1
        // 因为0在uvm中是布尔真值,所以暂时用一个单独的函数库做布尔运算
        Console.WriteLine("true && false=" + and(true, false)); // true && false = false
        Console.WriteLine("true || false=" + or(true, false)); // true || false = true
        Console.WriteLine("9&3=" + (9 & b)); // 9&3=1
        Console.WriteLine("9|3=" + (9 | b)); // 9|3=11
        Console.WriteLine("9^3=" + (9 ^ b)); // 9^3=10
        Console.WriteLine("8>>3=" + (a >> b)); // 8>>3=1
        Console.WriteLine("8<<3=" + (a << 3)); // 8<<3=64     
        var t = true;
        print("-8=" + (-a)); // -8=-8        
        print("-8=" + neg(a)); // -8=-8
        print("!true=" + (!t)); // !true=0   这里.net字节码把布尔当0/1 int处理  
        print("!true=" + not(t)); // !true=false        

    public void TestPlainObject()
        var storage = new Storage();
        storage.Name = "C#";
        storage.Age = 100;
        storage.IsMale = true;
        storage.Country = "China";
        Console.WriteLine("storage name is " + storage.Name);
        Console.WriteLine("storage age is " + storage.Age);
        Console.WriteLine("storage isMale is " + storage.IsMale);
        print("storage country is " + storage.Country);

    public void TestArray()
        var array1 = UVMArray<int?>.Create();
        print("array 1 size is " + array1.Count()); // 4      
        array1.Set(4, 2); 
        print("array[4] is " + array1.Get(4)); // 2  
        print("array 1 after changed size is " + array1.Count()); // 3
        print("array[3] is " + array1.Get(3)); // 3      
        for (int i = 1; i <= array1.Count(); ++i)
            var item = array1.Get(i);
            print("index: " + i);
            print("value: " + item);

    public void TestMap()
        var map1 = UVMMap<string>.Create();
        map1.Set("name", "C#");
        map1.Set("country", "China");
        Console.WriteLine("map1's name is " + map1.Get("name"));
        Console.WriteLine("map1's country is " + map1.Get("country"));

        // 遍历map的demo
        var map1PairsIter = map1.Pairs();
        var keyValuePair = map1PairsIter(map1, null);
        while (keyValuePair.Key != null)
            Console.WriteLine("key: " + tostring(keyValuePair.Key));
            Console.WriteLine("value: " + tostring(keyValuePair.Value));

            if (keyValuePair.Key == "name")
            print("found key==name pair");
            keyValuePair = map1PairsIter(map1, keyValuePair.Key);


    public void TestEmitEvent()
        var a = 3;
        var b = 4;
        MyEventEmitteer.EmitHello2("" + (a + b)); 

    public void TestModules()
        // 引用string模块,UVMStringModule类型是返回的模块对象的类型,必须用合适的类型来引用合适的模块
        var strModule = importModule<UVMStringModule>("string");
        pprint("string module: " + tojsonstring(strModule));

        // 可以调用string模块的函数来获取字符串长度,也可以用C#的字符串类型的内置Length属性来获取字符串长度
        var helloLength = "hello".Length;
        var helloLength2 = strModule.Len("hello");
        print("hello string length is: " + helloLength);
        print("hello string length2 is: " + helloLength2);

        var tableModule = importModule<UVMTableModule>("table");
        var table1 = UVMArray<string>.Create();
        tableModule.Append(table1, "b");
        var table1Count = tableModule.Length(table1);
        print("table1 size is: " + table1Count);

        var mathModule = importModule<UVMMathModule>("math");
        var floor1 = mathModule.Floor(3.3);  
        print("floor(3.3) = " + floor1);

        var abs1 = mathModule.Abs(-4);
        print("abs(-4) = " + abs1);

        var pi = mathModule.pi;
        print("pi = " + pi);

        var timeModule = importModule<UVMTimeModule>("time");            
        print("date: " + timeModule.Tostr(1494301754));

        var jsonModule = importModule<UVMJsonModule>("json");
        print("dumps of json module is: " + jsonModule.Dumps(jsonModule));

        var typeOfNumber = Type(123);
        print("type(123) = " + typeOfNumber);

        var array1 = UVMArray<string>.Create();
        print("rawlen(['a', 'b'])=" + rawlen(array1));

        print("caller_address = " + tostring(caller_address())); // 非合约中会返回nil

        var array1Iter = array1.Ipairs();
        var array1keyValuePair = array1Iter(array1, 0);
        while(array1keyValuePair.Key != null)
            print("key: " + array1keyValuePair.Key);
            print("value: " + array1keyValuePair.Value);
            array1keyValuePair = array1Iter(array1, array1keyValuePair.Key);

    public void TestImportContract()
        var helloContract = importContract<HelloContract>("hello");
    * 这是程序入口,必需,且必须是非static方法.如果是要定义合约,需要返回类型是一个合约类型
    public MyContract Main()
        print("start of demo C# contract \r\n another line");
        var result = SayHi();
        Console.WriteLine("SayHi result is " + result);
        var testFuncArgResult = TestFuncArg(5, 6, "C#", true);
        Console.WriteLine("testFuncArg result is " + testFuncArgResult);
        // TestImportContract();

        var contract = new MyContract();

        contract.storage = new Storage(); 

        var offlineGetAgeRet = contract.OfflineGetAge("");
        print("OfflineGetAge ret is " + offlineGetAgeRet);    
        print("end main");
        return contract;