# info

info outputs some important information when the XWC chain is running.


  "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
  "method": "info", 
  "params": [""], 
  "id": 1


    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "head_block_num": 3470221,
        "head_block_id": "0034f38dd587c9aefc18e3ab7f979c4a57085199",
        "head_block_age": "3 seconds old",
        "version": "1.2.20",
        "next_maintenance_time": "23 hours in the future",
        "chain_id": "2e13ba07b457f2e284dcfcbd3d4a3e4d78a6ed89a61006cdb7fdad6d67ef0b12",
        "participation": "92.96875000000000000",
        "round_participation": "88.00000000000000000",
        "scheduled_citizens": [

Return parameter

  • head_block_num: latest block height
  • head_block_id: hash of the latest block
  • head_block_age: time since the latest block generation
  • version: xwc_client version number
  • next_maintenance_time: currently unused
  • chain_id: chain id, used to distinguish different chains (such as main chain and test chain)
  • participation: cumulative participation rate, the higher the network stability
  • round_participation: The participation rate of the current round is related to the progress of the current round, the higher the more stable the miners participating in the current round, the lower the progress of the current round may be relatively low, need to be combined with the number of miners participating in the current round
  • scheduled_citizens: current round of miners list